© Klaus Ranger

The variegator of memories and his personal history

With the poem IN MANCHER MENSCHEN HORIZONT I unveiled my work as a memory designer. Written in 2008, for my dad’s 80th birthday.
At the same time I worked together with young people on EU PROJECTS. During their one-year internships they wrote their work diaries. THE OIDA was born.
On the occasion of the coordinator’s FAREWELL of an EU project the consortium collected photos and letters completed by a graphic designer. Even more has been achieved: A project journal that portrays the people of this project. At the heartfelt farewell this memorial book was a worthy present.
These memory books are the seedlings of my work as a memory designer.

How I work

I talk to you, listen to you and the people around you. I arrange photos, letters, notes, documents, records and narratives resulting in a harmonious overall content. I draft a table of contents and variegate your memories in giving shape to this abundance.

A memory book portrays people.

I can offer you a selection of four products:

  • The anniversary
  • The OIDA
  • The project farewell
  • The project chronicle

Stefan Vetter

  • Variegator of memories.
  • Public service for 25 years, European Framework Programmes.
  • Botany and Biology, University of Vienna.
  • Born in Vienna.

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