As indicated in the book Das OIDA (written in German) you will find methods on how to build essences.
To some extent I also provide you with some more guidance complementing those already published.

Essences sprout by a two time rhythm:
extracting and jotting down,
recap and recording,
extraction and essence,
evaluating and making notes,
reflection and fair copy.

The Essence of the Day (3 options)

At the end of the day take from your notes what is authentic to you. For that purpose you use one question only: What was nice today?
Write down the important memories in the box of the Essence of the DAY [Mo, Di, Mi, …, So].


You are used to take notes throughout the day or to jot down phrases in your diary.
At the end of the day pinpoint those notes in your records which are authentic to you. For that purpose you use one question only: What was nice today?
Write down the important memories in the box of the Essence of the DAY [Mo, Di, Mi, …, So].


Taking notes is at rest during meetings, work, while deeply devoted to a conversation – in the middle of life, while doing the deeds. When work is finished, time of reflection starts. For that purpose take a bundle of questions and write down your answers in your diary.

For that purpose you may choose:

Praise–Gratitude–Sorrow—Plea (Anonymous)
What did I accomplish well?
What I am thankful for?
What did I make a mess of?
What do I want to repeat?

What did I accomplish thoroughly?
What makes sense?
What do I want to apply again?

What made me happy?
What have I learned?
What persists?
Which goals have I seen?
Whom did I accommodate?

Two further bundles of questions are quotated in the book The OIDA (which is for the time being only available in German).
Which questions fit to you? Seek and find those FAQ corresponding to you. It’s your turn.

With those FAQ you create humus, which nourishes your further efforts.


At the end of the day pinpoint those notes in your records which are authentic to you. For that purpose you use one question only: What was nice today?

Write down the important memories in the box of the Essence of the DAY [Mo, Di, Mi, …, So].

The other essences

Having written down the Essence of the DAY you then can extract from those notes the Essence of the Week. From those essences you create the Essences of the Months, of the Quarters, and finally the Essence of the Year. You withdraw from the prior essences those notes still authentic to you, and write these sentences into the new essence.


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